Hi there! Now I have to admit that I haven't done many fashion posts and I am really sorry about that! Although it is the first of March and I thought I would show you some polyvore sets that I have done over the past couple of days.It is all about spring look ideas that will look pretty when we have the days where the sun starts to shine and it starts to get a little bit warmer.
So, here I have four ideas. I have a casual but pretty look for three of the sets and one of the sets I have a smart look which could look really pretty as well. Although I own literally none of these clothes I bet I could find them in other shops when I have the money to spend. Personally I would wear all of these looks because they are just so pretty, in my opinion. You can dress it up or down but I know that I am looking forward to the sunny days and warmer days to come when I can go to college without a coat and still feel warm. I did all of these sets on polyvore, so check it out! I will be doing alot more sets on them from now on. The link is at the bottom of this post. Also don't forget once I get to 100 followers on my blog I will be doing a giveaway.
What do you think of these ideas for looks in the spring? Would you wear any of these looks? Are you looking forward to the warmer days? Feel free to comment down in the comments. If you need to email me, you can contact me at realdreaming1@gmail.com . Also feel free to follow me on Bloglovin, Twitter, Tumblr, Polyvore and Instagram. See you soon! xx
These looks are so cute and lovely, I think they're wonderful for spring :)
Thank you very much! I thought I would give a blog post like this ago :) x