Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Monthly Music #1!

Hi there! So, to start of monthly music as I am going to call it I thought better late than never! So the top 25 tracks I have been listening to over the past couple of months are as follows:

  1. Little Things - One Direction
  2. Heartbreak Girl - 5 Seconds Of Summer
  3. Don't Let Me Go - Harry Styles
  4. Look After You - Louis Tomlinson
  5. She Looks So Perfect - 5 Seconds Of Summer
  6. I Miss You - 5 Seconds Of Summer
  7. Wherever You Are - 5 Seconds Of Summer
  8. The Promise - Emma Blackery
  9. Try Hard - 5 Seconds Of Summer
  10. Beside You - 5 Seconds Of Summer
  11. Change Your Life - Little Mix
  12. Move - Little Mix
  13. A Drop In The Ocean - Ron Pope
  14. Out Of My Limit - 5 Seconds Of Summer
  15. Unpredictable - 5 Seconds Of Summer
  16. Loved You First - One Direction
  17. Gotta Get Out - 5 Seconds Of Summer
  18. Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood
  19. The Opening Number to Broadway.com - Darren Criss
  20. I Still Think - Darren Criss
  21. Never Stop Wedding Version - Safetysuit
  22. Blow Me Away - Breaking Benjamin
  23. Change My Mind - One Direction
  24. Still The One - One Direction
  25. When Will My Life Begin? - Tangled
So, those are the tracks I have been listening to. It is a wide range of music I will say that. If you would like to listen to all of that music you can find a playlist of all the songs except for number 19, you can find that here. These are also listed from the most listened to the least listened to. What songs have you listened to this past month? Are there any songs on this list that you have listened to? Feel free to comment down in the comments. If you need to email me, you can contact me at realdreaming1@gmail.com . Also feel free to follow me on BloglovinTwitterTumblrPolyvore and Instagram. See you soon! xx

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