Thursday, 26 February 2015

2015, The Year Where I Decide To Try Different Things...

Hello! Happy New Year! I know that I am rubbish at blogging but this year so much has happened already that, I don't seem to have any free time yet. So, its 2015 and I want to make this the best year yet! So, I have come up with a little list of things I want to do and accomplish between now and the end of this year.
My first thing I want to do is get my next tattoo. I want it on my arm but I need the money and time to do and the travel to get to where I want to go. Speaking of travel involves my next thing. I want to learn how to drive and to get a car. This will mean being able to get to places quicker and easier and less money spent on travel to and from work.
Speaking of work is the next thing. I want to get a new job out of where I waitress and into radio which is what I really want to do, or to do some filming. Which brings me onto my next thing. I want to make more videos on my YouTube channel about what I want to do and what I think people would be interested in. Last but not least I want to change the whole of my wardrobe decorate my new room and actually swap rooms this year.
I have decided this year is the year for change and that is exactly what my plans are. Whether it is a change of work place, a change of how much I blog and what I blog about or even changes to my body. It is time for change and what a better time to do it while I am still young. Are you changing anything about yourself or your lifestyle? If you are comment down below. So sorry for being so rubbish lately but I am hoping to change that soon! Stay tuned... xx

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