Thursday, 20 February 2014

Thursday, Thursday, Thursday.

Hi there! With keeping up with the posts everyday this week, I thought I would tell you about my day. So, first off I woke up with my cat next to me. Every since I woke up with him next to me we have been inseparable. So for the most of the days he has been cuddling up to me while I have been at home and not out! I have to say at some times I could kill him because of standing on my keyboard of my laptop and turning the screen upside down. Or even making my black jeans have hairs all over them and make them impossible to get off. But when you need cuddles after a rubbish day, he is perfect to cuddle with.

So after saying goodbye to him, I decided to go out to town and all I can say is that I spent about £20 odd pounds on stuff in town. £7 in Primark. £7 odd in Boots and then £5.50 on subway. What can I say? I was hungry! A girl does need to eat! After picking up some of the beauty things I needed from Primark, I realised I should have really gotten a basket. But at least I didn't drop anything while I was standing in line. RESULT!Although I have put money in the bank and haven't touched it, so I guess you could say I do spend a lot but I do also save! Just not very often.

So after getting a taxi home and eating my subway on the sofa. I watched Wild Child and started to watch Burlesque. I hadn't seen Burlesque ever so I thought I should watch it. Although I started to watch it and then remembered that Greg James was on the radio, on radio 1! So, I turned on the TV and started to listen to him and fell asleep for two hours surprise, surprise. If my cat hadn't jumped on the paper bag with all of my purchases today in, I could have slept for another hour.

So then both I watched the rest of Burlesque I thought the only way to spend it is to get loads of food to snack on while watching the movie. So, I grabbed a packet of crisps, fruit pastilles, chocolate biscuit, chewits, time out biscuits and  crackers and butter! Yes very unhealthy but I am going to go on a run tomorrow so it won't be that bad!

After I had finished watching burlesque and an episode of Gossip Girl, I decided to take pictures of everything. Even a few selfies. I warn you now, they aren't all smiles. I can't just take a serious photo. I get that from my dad...

What did you do with your day? Anything more exciting than mine like that is possible? (Note the sarcasm.) Have you spent alot of money or have you saved? Feel free to comment down in the comments. If you need to email me, you can contact me at . Also feel free to follow me on BloglovinTwitterTumblrPolyvore and Instagram. See you soon! xx

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