It is such a nice day outside! |
I can go out yay! |
No I can't I'm babysitting at 6 |
Very late breakfast at 12. |
The coffee maker! |
My fancy coffee! |
My cereals in a bowl! |
Film! |
Hi there! I know the day has only just started for me but I have done a couple of things already. So, before babysitting I thought I would post about something. Anything! Although I started to watch this film on Netflix, and its called Cyberbully. I will eventually get to that but I will tell you what I have done first.
So, I woke up and saw how beautiful it is outside and got really happy. But then I remembered that I was working at 6, so there was no point in going out. Although I got myself a bowl of frosted wheat's and then made myself a coffee with the Tassimo machine my brother got my mum and dad for Christmas! Its is so good.
I went on Netflix's for something to watch and found a film called Cyberbully. So, I decided to watch it. It is such a good film. It makes you realise about cyber bullying and the effects it has on people. It is really hard hitting and really makes you realise how serious it can get. I was in tears near the end of it and it made me think why anyone would ever do that to someone, when it could push them so far to kill themselves. Why should it ever happen to anyone is beyond me as well. It is so hard hitting. If you want to see the film and see how much it can effect someone, I would recommend watching it. You might cry and it might hit you hard but you can see what damage it can do to someone. I know this is a sensitive subject. That is why I would tell people to watch it, so they become more self aware of the subject. You might roll your eyes when being told about it in school but it is a serious matter. So watch it if you want.
Have you ever seen the film I'm talking about? Have you ever been bullied online? Have you ever seen someone being bullied online? Feel free to comment down in the comments. If you need to email me, you can contact me at
realdreaming1@gmail.com . Also feel free to follow me on
Polyvore and
Instagram. See you soon! xx
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