Hi there! Well, its been a while. Since I have posted on anything. Either here or on YouTube and I feel unbelievably bad about it. Well, if it helps I am in the middle of editing a video which should have been up weeks ago!! So, that should appear soon! Although, as I have been watching YouTube videos whenever I can, (so my watch later list can go down from 70 to at least 20!) I have seen that some YouTubers are vlogging every day through October. Now, I know that we are 5 or 6 days into October but what would you guys think about me vlogging every day apart from Sunday because the main part of my day I am working. Although my main video can go up on Sundays. It will make up for all of the time that I have not posted on anything! Tell me what you think down below! Either way I will probably do that! So, how are you all? I hope you are all okay and happy! It feels good to do a blog post. Until I started typing I forgot how much I missed doing blog posts but I am going to make sure that I blog more and make time for editing if I decide to vlog every day in October. I know I say this a lot but I am going to make the time now and not nap during the day, so that I have more time to do the things that I enjoy most. So, to keep you updated. I am still making videos and blog posts! I am going to make more time for blog posts and videos and I am deeply sorry about not posting in ages! I hope that you are all staying with me at the minute and I am really sorry about being really distant and not posting as much! So, I am really grateful for you all and I will see you soon! xx
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