Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Hi there! So, I need all of your help with this! For college I have to evaluate my blog so I want to know what you all think about it and comment down below the answers to the questions. Please this would really help me out and I would be so grateful! You have until 12pm on Friday (UK Time) to answer these questions for me.

  1. What do you think of the layout of my blog?
  2. Do you enjoy reading my posts?
  3. Would you like my posts to be longer or do you like the short posts?
  4. Do you think I appeal to you all or do I need to spell check or change the style I write in?
  5. Any other comments from you!
It's really short but would help me out, so much! Please either email me or comment down below and I would be so grateful! Thank you so much for helping me out. See you soon! xx

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