Hi there! So, March has come and gone which means that I have loved some more things throughout March. This month there are 6 things that I have loved and they are very mixed! So, lets get started!
The first that I have loved is Kendal Mint Cake. Now you might think that it is mint flavoured cake, but it really isn't. It is a bar of sugar basically. The ingredients of it is Sugar, Glucose syrup, Water and Peppermint Oil. I love it so much. You can get it for brown sugar and White Sugar. If you can go and get some anywhere I highly recommend this. So nearly every week I have been eating this through March.
Back in February when I have my weekend in the Lakes I went into TXMaxx and found a notebook. Now there are a lot of places where you can get good quality notebooks, but TXMaxx is where they get limited stocks in things and when you see it you should really buy it while you can because it is highly likely that you won't find it again. So, I saw this notebook and I have made jottings about blog posts and the content into the blog posts and other silly things in it. It also is about a place I have always wanted to go since I was 10 so a good 7 (nearly 8) years now and that is London. So, its really cute and been so useful through March.

Another thing that I have been eating loads of is Lemon Meringue Pie. Oh my gosh I absolutely love it! It is so tasty and I can not stop eating it. I don't know what it is but it is soooo nice! I just love it! You can get it anywhere and I normally get one and don't share it and I either eat most of it and forget about it in the fridge and have to bin it or I do eat it all myself. I know I shouldn't like most of the things I eat but I can't resist it and I do exercise sometimes, so its alright.
Excuse my fork! |
One of the make-up products that I have been using a lot over the past month is the Little Mix Lip Gloss from Jades range. (Surprise, surprise!) It is a pinky colour and it just gives my lips a little bit more shine and makes them look alright even when I can't be bothered with any other make-up on that day. It smells so nice as well, its like a candyfloss smell. Its even sweet and I love it! It is called Jade's Liquid Gloss by Collection in the Little Mix Range. If you are looking for something that will give your lips that extra bit of shine I would go for that its only £1.99 I think.

My next thing is what I have been using to take most of the pictures that go on this blog with my Favourite's and outfit posts. It is my little red digital camera. It is so handy to carry round with me, when I am trying to take pictures outside with someone or even if I get some sudden inspiration. It goes with me everywhere I go! It will also become my vlogging camera when I get my YouTube channel up and running properly. I am excited for that to happen! But yeah I love it and it goes everywhere with me. Even to work which I know I shouldn't but oh well!
My last thing that I have been loving this past month is old songs. Now what I mean by that is songs that I have heard and really liked in the past 17 years. There are some songs that were produced before I was even born but heard and love sooo much! I made a playlist of them all, which I will link
here! They are so fun to dance around to and can just put you in a good mood instantly! So, if you need a little pick me up listen to it and you might just get really happy!
So, those are my March Favourites. I hope you enjoyed reading this post! I am thinking of getting my YouTube channel up and running in the middle of June so after my birthday and after I have finished college! This week I am getting my new phone, so I will actually be posting on Instagram more! Along with making outfits on Polyvore. So, you can follow me on those
here (for Instagram) and
here (for Polyvore). Comment down below if there is any blog posts you would like to see or have tried any of the things I have. I would love to hear from you guys! I will actually be doing a Nails Monday tomorrow woo! So, enjoy the rest of your Sunday and see you soon! xx