Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Early starts, late nights.

Hi there! So, I am never up this early but why not when the weather is so nice! It's gotten so warm in England lately and it's only April! We are so lucky to be having this weather, so it's the prime time to take lots of pictures, get fit and enjoy the sunshine. As I am never up this early unless it is for work, it's nice just to sit back and enjoy the morning, as it flys by with things that need to be done.

So, as soon as this post is done I know that I will probably go for a run and then shower, do my room and then go out for a picnic that is long over due. I will post pictures of that on Instagram so make sure you check that out. I am going to be making a video very soon as well, so make sure you are subscribed to see that appear. This sunshine is making me really happy at the minute, it's nice to see after the long months of just cold and darkness. What will you be doing today? Leave it in the comments and I will see you soon. xx

Sunday, 19 April 2015

I'm back!!

Hi there! So, I have been rubbish at trying to keep my blog updated. I am now going to try and stop that. I am going to make some changes to my lifestyle which means no more naps in the middle of the days. Then with those couple of extra hours I can blog or do important jobs and that I probably should have done months ago.

I feel so bad for not blogging at all. There is no reason for it to happen either. It's mainly because of my naps and split shifts at work. That's no excuse though because lots of people have the same job as I do, but still find time to that one special thing that means a lot to them. Or even that they just enjoy doing. So, I am going to be making more videos it's not that hard to do. Editing them may take some time to do but if I enjoy it then what's stopping me from doing that. Blogging is easy enough to do. Even if it's a little post about my thoughts on things or how my week went it's not hard to do. I know how to do the changes I just try and fail at doing them but this time I am determined to do it.

So, this was just a little update like always my links for other social media is below and I will see you soon!! xx