Monday, 28 July 2014

A Late Monthly Music #5...

Hi there! So, obviously I know this should have been up on the 25th but if you knew how busy my wirk has been lately you would forgive me and accept it late. But either way on my night off I have decided to do it but just a little later than usual. I would also like to take this time to say I am editing a video which will be up in the next couple of days. Although until that enjoy this post and my top listened to music. So, here we go!!

  1. Rejects - 5SOS
  2. Change Your Life - Little Mix
  3. Amnesia - 5SOS
  4. Kiss Me Kiss Me -5SOS
  5. Wings - Little Mix
  6. End Up Here - 5SOS
  7. Fine By Me - Andy Grammer
  8. Move - Little Mix
  9. Everything I Didn't Say - 5SOS
  10. Greenlight - 5SOS
  11. Salute - Little Mix
  12. Don't Forget Where You Belong - One Direction
  13. Good Girls - 5SOS
  14. How Ya Doin' - Little Mix
  15. Why Don't We Go There - One Direction
  16. A Different Beat - Little Mix
  17. DNA - Little Mix
  18. Mr Loverboy - Little Mix
  19. Somebody To You - The Vamps (feat. Demi Lovato)
  20. Look After You - Louis Tomlinson
  21. Social Casualty - 5SOS
  22. Heartache On The Big Screen - 5SOS
  23. English Love Affair - 5SOS
  24. Brokenhearted - Karmin
  25. Little Things - One Direction
So, as you can see from last months it has changed a lot! A lot new music and the usual top three have all moved down which is unusual. So, I hope you enjoyed that and are looking forward to the video that I have on the way. So I will see you soon!! xx

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Making Breakfast Pancakes...

Hi there! So, today for breakfast instead of having the healthy option I have been having for quite a few days I decided I would make myself some breakfast pancakes. So, yes typically very american (no offence to any Americans!) and how I had them yes very unhealthy way on how to start the day! I thought I would show you how I did my pancakes and what I put on them step my step. So, lets get to it!

First off I took the Betty Crocker Breakfast Pancake Mix and put half of it into a glass jug.

I then added half of the water you would add to the full mixture and stirred it until it was smooth. 

Then I added some sunflower oil to a pan and put it on the hob on the stove to heat up a little bit.

After I had done this I poured the mixture into a small circle and started to cook it until it was golden brown. 

I kept flipping it, so it wouldn't burn on either side. Then I put it onto a plate.

To top it off I put squirty cream (the whipped cream in a can) onto it with some chocolate sauce.

If you were to make them you could have some chopped fruit or syrup or any topping you liked onto it. I think the next morning I do that I will be using fruit or something healthier than what I used this morning. So, I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you again soon! xx

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Future blog posts/videos...

Hi there! So, I know I still haven't done the video I have been talking about but I need batteries for my camera because they have run out! I hopefully will be filming tomorrow though after my trip into town. So, that video is coming, I have also found some footage from my birthday weekend ages ago so I will be editting that and filming some things for that later as well. I hopefully will have a trip somewhere soon so I can vlog that and edit that for you guys as well. Future blog posts include a cooking post with pictures. Hopefully an outfit post and obviously my monthly music from this month as well. I am thinking of doing some nail posts like I used to as well and a couple of reviews as well. So, this was to keep you updated and to say that I am doing things and it is just taking up my time and that is why nothing has been posted yet. If there is anything you would like video wise or blog post wise comment down below and I will do my best to try and do it. So, there you go and I will see you soon! xx

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

OOTD and a couple of today's purchases!

Hi there! So, today I went out to the town I live in and went shopping...surprise, surprise. I went into Peacocks and bought a top, dressing gown and took advantage of the amazing lighting in the changing room! So I bought a dressing gown which was reduced to three pounds I had to have it. Although, this is the top that I bought which was ten pounds.

So, it has never grow up on it and has tinkerbelle on it. How could I not buy it? Seeing as how much of a big kid I am and how much I love peter pan! So, it was so cute and the right size as well. But this was the outfit I wore to go around the town in.

Top - Primark
Jeans - ??
Shoes - Topshop
Necklace - Primark

So, I have had those jeans for so long that I couldn't remember where I even got them from. I had my hair in a fishtail braid and it kept my cool while I was wearing my thick coat which I took out with me. I also went to Asda and bought new headphones and a new watch even though it is too big for me.

So, I also bought a new nominations charm but that is about it. So, I hope you enjoyed this post I actually am filming a video tomorrow hopefully! So, look forward to that. If you think that I should make a facebook page for my blog put it down in the comments or what you thought of my outfit or anything! So, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you soon! xx

Friday, 11 July 2014

New Video Up This Weekend......Maybe....

Hi there! So, seeing as last week I said I was about to film a video well I was but then I had to help my brother with something. By the time I was done there was no daylight so I couldn't film. I was going to film Sunday but then I went out the night before for my friends birthday and I didn't feel too good and I was too tired to do anything. So, all week I have been meaning to film but things have just gotten in the way. So, I have decided I am going to film tomorrow instead. It is probably quite obvious what it is going to be but if not hopefully you will enjoy it. I am also hoping to do more outfit posts as well in the future but stay tuned for all of those things. So, I will see you soon!! xx

Friday, 4 July 2014

I have finished!!

Hi there! So ,after months of being too busy for things and after finally finishing college I am back and ready to blog and make more videos. I am very sorry that I just haven't had time to blog or make proper videos but I am back and will be doing nothing apart from working about three times a week. So, I have lots of free time. I am starting to make a list of things I want to do before 2014 is over and I will do a video or blog post on that. You will be seeing lots more blog posts which I am happy about and hopefully a video at least once a week. I am about to film a video now actually so look forward to that! I hope you look forward to all the things I have coming up and I will see you soon! xx